Troubleshooting Common HTML Image Maps Issues

Debugging HTML image map issues: alignment, responsiveness, link errors.

Posted on December 24, 2023


Creating HTML image maps can be straightforward, but sometimes issues arise. This guide delves into common problems, their causes, and detailed solutions to ensure accurate and responsive image maps.

Issue 1: Hotspots Not Aligning Correctly

If hotspots don't align with intended parts of the image, it's often due to incorrect coordinate settings. Coordinates should be relative to the image's top-left corner.

Misalignment can also occur if the image size changes after defining the map. This happens because coordinates are based on the original dimensions. To fix, set specific height and width attributes for the image in your HTML or CSS to maintain its original size.

Issue 2: Image Map Not Responsive

Hotspots losing alignment on different devices indicate a lack of responsiveness.

One way to resolve it is to use percentage-based coordinates. However, percentage-based coordinates are limited to specific shapes areas, so it might not be suitable for complex polygonal image maps.

This limitation is due to percentage coordinates being relative only to the image's dimensions, lacking the flexibility to define intricate shapes.

A better way to resolve non responsive HTML image maps is to use A JavaScript library like Image Map Resizer dynamically adjusts coordinates in response to image size changes.

Issue 3: Links Not Working

Non-functional hotspots or incorrect redirections can result from errors in the href attributes within <area> tags. Mismatches between the usemap attribute in the <img> tag and the name of the <map> element can also cause issues. They must match exactly, including the # prefix in usemap. For example:

<img src="path/to/image.jpg" usemap="#mymap">
<map name="mymap">
  <!-- area definitions here -->

Issue 4: Image Map Not Displaying

If the image map areas aren't interactive, ensure the name attribute in your <map> tag exactly matches the usemap in the <img> tag, as shown in the above code snippet.

The correct placement in the HTML structure is also crucial for functionality. Make sure the <map> element is placed after the <img> element.

Issue 5: Cross-Browser Compatibility

If the image map works in some browsers but not others, this might be due to differences in how browsers interpret HTML and JavaScript. Testing your image map in various browsers during development and sticking to standard HTML practices can mitigate these issues.


Understanding the causes and solutions for common HTML image map issues is key to creating functional and responsive image maps. Regular testing across different browsers and devices is essential. For a more streamlined creation process, consider using our HTML image map generator tool.